Monday, November 5, 2012

24 Weeks!

Baby girl is growing so much! I love keeping up with the changes that are taking place as she grows.  I joined thebump and have been loving the week-by-week emails it sends out.  I have also found their forums handy for questions I've had here and there.

Here is my 24W Bump shot :-)
-With the Blessed Mother! :D

Week 24 says that Alicia is the size of a cantaloupe! It seems like the past month (and pretty much the entire 2nd trimester) has flown by! 3 More weeks and its 3rd Trimester! Wow.

We are looking to close on a house very soon. So please keep us in your prayers! We would love to get moved in before Christmas (I am so excited about our first Christmas! Can't wait to decorate!!!). Advent is going to be very busy!

Lots of love from the Kenendys! :-)

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