
Wednesday, July 17, 2013

This Past Week's Reading List

I enjoy a variety of reading subjects.  Most of my reading comes from articles and posts shared by friends. I read them during spare moments here and there, and usually in parts.  These are some that I enjoyed this past week. 

In no particular order...

From - The Matt Walsh Blog
Do you ever read an argument by someone and immediately like them because of their response? That is how I felt after this article :-) It is some good common sense. I am so grateful for the chores and duties my parents gave me growing up. I even remember from an early age how proud of myself I felt after tackling a task I thought was beyond me.

From - Conversion Diary(blog)
Loving her blog. She is new to me but I am excited to keep up with her!

From - Salon
Very interesting article.  About a Woman's nine month experiment of changing the way she dressed to see how it effected her and those around her.

From - Life Site News
Gives a recognition of how far our world is deteriorating and calls Catholics to strive for sanctity to fight the evils of the world through encouraging words from our Holy Father, Pope Francis. The last line of the post explains it so well "If we want a Culture of Life, if we want to end the evils threatening life, if we want to end abortion, then…We need saints!"

From - fatima perspectives - The Fatima Network
This one is pretty heavy. I will even give you a warning before you jump into this one,..if you haven't heard of Bella Dodd, or don't have any knowledge of the spiritual war between the Communists and Catholics, then this is going to be an eye opener...But it is an excellent read and something all Catholics should be aware of.

From - Alpha Mom(blog)
This one kept me smiling.  Another mom that I am excited to follow!

Happy reading!

Little bit of Life...

For weeks, no, really for months I have been trying to exercise more. So, last week it went to the top of the to-do list and was the first thing that Anthony and I did when he got home from work.  We enjoy going together whenever we can, even if it is just a walk.

  I am greatly enjoying the little gym provided by our apartment complex, and it has worked out really well for us to be able to go as a family. Alicia just plays quietly in her stroller with her wipes (favorite toy at present) and watches mommy and daddy :-)
Only 4lbs away from my pre-pregnancy weight and I am super excited!

Hope everyone is having a good week!

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