
Friday, July 19, 2013

Crinkle Tag Toy Tutorial

My little girl loves things that make noise.  Her favorite toys have been an empty water bottle that she pushes around, her wipes crackly plastic container (will refer to as wc from here on), and the large tag on her floor play mat.  I've been keeping the containers after the wipes are all out and giving them to her to play with, and it is from them that I thought of this DIY.

1. Cut 7 pieces of ribbon, each 7"long (or however many at whatever length you desire)
2. Fold in half (right side OUT). On right side of fabric - measure 2 1/8"from each corner and place and pin a ribbon. On longest side measure 1 1/2" from either ribbon and place last ribbon. Pin the ribbons down to the center of the triangle so that they do not get in the way of sewing. Sew ribbons in place and remove outer pins only.
3. Place second half of triangle (right side down) over the ribbons side of other triangle. Pin & sew the two shorter sides, leaving the longest one open to place wc. Remove pins.

4. Remove the hard top of the wc (It should pull off fairly easily) and cut off the sides.
5. Take top corners and fold down, meeting in the center.
6. Fold bottom up, covering the corners you just folded down. (to get sizing correct, try placing inside the sewn triangle, make any needed adjustments)
7. Fold corners over and tape into place

8. Insert wc into the open side of the triangle.
9. Starting at center, turn edges under and pin together.
10. When you reach the end trim the point even with the edge.

11. Open the end with your finger and make sure seam is flat.
12. Turn corner to inside.
13. Finish folding edges under to the ends. Pin.
14. This is how it should look pinned and ready to sew. Starting at any corner, sew 3/8"seam all the way around. 

Whala! You are done! Let your little one play away! :-)

Happy Baby, Happy Momma :-)

This is definitely the most detailed DIY I've done.  I'm working with some new programs and still trying to learn how everything works, but I'm happy with the over all turnout on this one. I have several more that I am working on and excited to share! Thanks for stopping by!

Happy Sewing!

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