
Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Find your spot, stop, and breathe!

I've been in a brain freeze the past week. Just too much going on inside my head and I haven't been able to organize it all.  I have projects that I want to do for myself, projects around the apartment, and projects for my almost 5 month old. There's cleaning and organizing from kitchen to my bedroom closet that I need to do, boxes that still need to be unpacked and sorted through, and then there is the  slightly overwhelming task of learning HTML & CSS that I have undertaken. 

I love my carseat canopy cover I bought(left), but it is a little too warm for the TX heat and I decided to make a summer one(fabrics on right). Will show finished project & tutorial soon!

  With all of these I have been finding it hard to remember to sit down and just enjoy my blog. Blogging might seem like one more thing on my list, something to put aside and maybe allow myself one less thing to worry about, but, in the stress of everything else, I have found that it is a terrific outlet.  I love being a stay-at-home-mom (Ok, I beyond love it, I feel like I'm the luckiest girl in the world being able to be a stay-at-home-mom) and I love all my little tasks and duties, OK, maybe I don't love dishes and laundry, but I really do love having a clean apartment.  But, with having a sanguine/choleric temperament I just have to get out sometimes, and, instead of actually going out and driving somewhere everyday, I can save the money on gas and the temptation of shopping and simply sit on my sofa with a cup of tea or coffee and unwind a bit by writing on my blog.  

My blogging buddy- Aja (pronounced like Asia)

  Now I wouldn't say that the learning HTML & CSS part is exactly relaxing...I would actually say that that part it is down right frustrating.  No, the fun and relaxing part about blogging is that it makes me sit down and collect my thoughts. Even if I make myself sit for just a few minutes it helps all the ideas that have been buzzing in my head to start to untangle and I can begin to put them into some kind of order. Sometimes I simply create a bunch of titles for future blog posts from the ideas that are swirling around in my head. Even if I've only had 10 minutes to work on something and then the baby starts crying (which has been the story of late with her teething) I can start into my tasks again feeling just a little bit refreshed and just a little bit more sane. It's like a mini-meditation, only on the corporal needs instead of spiritual.   Both are important!

On a regular day at home if I don't get my morning prayers in it will bug me all day and I won't feel settled or at peace until I say them. Just one rosary and a spiritual communion. That is all I need to feel like I can do anything...cause hey, I then have Mary the Mother of God and Christ in my out dust and laundry, you shall be conquered! (or, something)

Besides the Indulgences attached to the Rosary, Our Lady revealed to St. Dominic and Blessed Alan de la Roche additional benefits for those who devoutly pray the Rosary.  Our Lady's 15 Promises for those who pray the Rosary

  Even if I don't get all the cleaning done, or I sleep in and have to get ready to leave for some reason and I don't have time to get my prayers in, I try to make myself remember to say one or all of the following throughout the day, "Jesus, meek and humble of heart, make my heart like unto thine.", "Jesus, I trust in you.", "Jesus and Mary I love you, save souls.".  
  Whenever I am frazzled or frustrated I try to pull out one of these. I just say it silently to myself. I know I have a temper at times and I know that these have held back my anger and made me more reasonable more than once.  Just give it to God, ALL OF IT, all of life. I know I can't do it all and if I try it will end in tears, but, if I give it all to God then I know he will fill in all the areas where I fall short.

Couldn't resist. :-)

I have realized, especially in this past week or so, that I need to allow myself this little outlet of blogging. I've been pushing it aside in order to accomplish more of my other projects, but, I've been feeling the need to stop and breathe.  I stopped in the middle of some sorting to write this post. I feel so much better already!

I am a new mom, haven't been at it long, my daughter is just 4 1/2 months old, but I know that I need to form habits now that I will be grateful for later, especially as our family grows. I have a tendency to over do it. Over plan, over think, and overwhelm myself. That's the story of my life, and I need to learn to balance (do you ever figure that balance out?).  I have found that blogging is my spot, it's where I sort my ideas and organize my thoughts. So I'm making a new commitment.  I'm going to be a better blogger! I want to improve my writing, share my love of crafts, baking, etc. and the joy that I find in practicing my faith. And, with all of that, I hope to encourage other young mothers, bloggers, ladies,..all souls in whatever way I can through this blog as well.

If you are a young wife and mother and want to know what to get from this post...find your spot to take some time to breathe, and shoot out a little prayer to heaven out of love now and then, not just prayers of need. Start the hunt for balance now, I will be hunting for it with you! Know that you are not alone in your daily struggles, and what you are doing, as long as you do it with love, is enough.

From one of my favorites, Fulton Sheen.

Have a good week! God bless!

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