Monday, October 8, 2012

Half Way to Baby Day!

I can't believe I am 20 weeks! I felt the baby kick, really kick for the first time today. I'm pretty sure some of the small pushes I was feeling before were kicks, but this one was a little bit more of a wham! haha.

I've been having fun trying out some baby crochet patterns.  I've always wanted to try these; I've had the patterns for a long time, but they looked a little complicated and I never put the time aside to study them. Now I have the perfect excuse! I love the way they turned out!

We don't know what we are having yet, so I thought I would have some fun learning the patterns and make something for a boy and something for a girl :D

This is my first attempt at crocheted baby clothes...

The first one was pretty simple and I think is a great introduction to crochet baby clothes.

The little pink sweater was a little more complicated and took a little bit more time, but I love how it turned out!


The patterns are from an old yellowed pattern book with four different designs in it that I found at a thrift store a few years back.

I love thrift store shopping! So many fun finds! I just can't go too often ;-)

I just finished up some of the baby booties as well! They match the blue sweater :-) Picture to come soon!

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