
Sunday, April 14, 2013

It's Been a Wonderful Year! Our First Anniversary!

One year ago today I was blessed to marry the most wonderful man....

We were so excited to find out in May that we were expecting. This was a joyful and heartbreaking time as we lost our little one at the end of that same month at almost 5 weeks.  Not knowing boy or girl but wanting to remember the little soul God gave to us we prayed and went through baby names to see if something stood out to us for this precious one.  We named the baby Maximilian Joseph Kennedy (We both think it was a boy for some reason). He/she is with our Lord and we still think of this sweet soul often.

It wasn't long after the loss of Maximilian that something wonderful and unexpected happened.  On Father's Day 2012 (I was suspicious, but didn't know for sure until that day) we found out we were expecting again!

We cannot tell you how blessed we felt!

And on February 23rd 2013 Our sweet baby girl, Alicia Marie, was born...

Yes, it has truly been a wonderful and amazing year! We have been twice blessed! And I have been triply blessed with both these sweet souls and their loving father. 
I love you Anthony Kennedy!!! I Cannot believe how wonderful the last year has been and I cannot wait to share each and every day of the years to come with you!!!

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