
Thursday, May 9, 2013

Mother's Day Thoughts

This mother's day holds a whole new meaning for me...  I'm married, and the proud mama of two sweet souls.  One of those is already in the arms of the blessed Mother, and the other is sleeping in the other room as I write this :-)
 It has been a wonderful year, a BUSY year, and now as mother's day approaches I have been enjoying spending some time slowing down all the craziness in my head and thinking about special times with my mom (even though my feet and hands are still going full speed trying to keep up with everything :-) ).

  I've been slowly (finally!!!) unpacking and going through the boxes that were stuffed wayyy back in my parents garage.  And something incredibly sweet is the fact that I've found (in almost every box) something that my mother made for me during my childhood. Since Mother's day is coming up it has been that much more special to look at each thing, remembering playing with them, and how much I loved them growing up.  

Now, with my own sweet baby girl, I understand just how precious I am to my mom.  I can't wait to make her dresses, birthday cakes (my mom made a very special doll cake for me every year when I was little), have her "help" me in the kitchen, show her how to do the laundry! :-)  

  Mom's are truly amazing. Not only did my mom spend an enormous amount of time and patience instructing me growing up (especially as a teenager), she also taught me by example. Almost every morning I would wake up to find her sitting in the living room, half empty cup of (what was hot) tea on the stand next to her chair, with some kind of spiritual reading in her lap that she had fallen asleep while reading. She always was the last to bed, and the first to rise...seriously, ALWAYS,...and she never went to sleep until the kitchen was clean, and I mean SPOTLESS! Then, she would wake early and go to that chair to pray...
Sometimes during the winter I would wake and start a fire in the fireplace, grab a cup of tea, and sit with her. Sometimes talking, and sometimes we would just cuddle and take a nap (If another sibling hadn't gotten their first :P). I look back now and treasure all those times and memories.  
I cannot thank her enough for all she has done for me. There isn't one time, even in the rougher times, that I didn't know and feel my mom loving me.

One of the most special things that we share is the time we had together taking care of my grandmother.   It was the most wonderful time of my young adulthood.  The lessons I learned during that time, from both of these inspiring ladies, are some of the ones I cherish the most. They taught me what it means to truly give your all and give it with joy and love. 

My mom and I grew close during those years. And although there were challenges, we stuck together and somehow always made the struggles into joys.  I miss my grandma now, but I think of her often and she always brings a smile to my face. 

I love that we have a special day to thank mothers for all that they do...and that it helps us to remember just how much they do and have done for us.  
I am so grateful for such an amazing woman as my mom in my life. 
She continues to inspire me even from afar. 
I love and miss you mama!! 
Can't wait to visit you, hopefully sooner than later!


Mother's Day Gift Ideas

This year I live across the country from my mom and will not be able to spend Mother's Day with her, but I am getting together some fun things to send to her. I will post my Mother's Day package later, but I thought I would share some cute and fun ideas that I've found that others might enjoy.

Mother's Day cupcake bouquet
(I'm offering them for the Dallas/Fort Worth area)

This is so fitting for my mom. She LOVES trays :-) Maybe I will try it next year.

Another project I want to try.

Love these things...worth having a microwave just for these...

These would make really nice gifts! 

Loooove this idea.  I should do this for my mom.
Sharpie, bake 30 minutes at 350 - pinterest

"The Most Important Person on earth is a mother. She cannot claim the honor of having built Notre Dame Cathedral. She need not. She has built something more magnificent than any cathedral—a dwelling for an immortal soul, the tiny perfection of her baby's body...The angels have not been blessed with such a grace. They cannot share in God's creative miracle to bring new saints to Heaven. Only a human mother can. Mothers are closer to God the Creator than any other creature; God joins forces with mothers in performing this act of creation... What on God's good earth is more glorious than this: to be a mother?"
—Joseph Cardinal Mindszenty

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