
Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Planning for baby Alicia

Sooo, our baby girl is due in just under 3 months...for some reason my hubby thinks I am going to be early (it is weird how right he is about so many things like this). So, I am putting together my list for my hospital bag and goodie bags for the nurses (goodie bag idea thanks to thebusybudgetingmama). I don't plan on putting them together quite yet, but, I do hope to gather others recommendations and then be getting the items and being ready at least a month ahead of time.

**********Quick Reflection**********

 Being our first go at this, plus only having attended home births as a doula, the whole hospital thing is a little out there to me, and I am not exactly sure what to expect. Lol, I think that I am more nervous about the hospital than I am about the birth.  So, I am going off of as many recommendations as I can, and then plan on perfecting it with babies 2...and 3...and so forth (however God has it worked out ;-) ).  As far as a birth plan, I know what I want. But, I am also trying to keep the reality in my head that things seldom go exactly as I would like, and this will probably be no different.  So, hoping for the best, planning for...who knows what...just trying to be prepared!  With first time pregnancies and births I figure you learn how YOUR body works...because everyone is different and you can't plan according to how things went for someone else.  So far I've been hit by the unexpected...why should it be any different from here on out.  My goal right now is to stick to what I can control, namely, what I want to bring to make me, hubby and Alicia as comfortable as possible.


Hospital bag - What I've thought of so far and what I've gathered from others lists:

I love this hospital gown (more of a want than need ;-) )

Nursing Tanks - what are some of the favorite brands/places to find them?

A few comfy tops - easy to nurse in

nursing cover

A nightgown or PJ's + a robe & slippers

Some comfortable maternity clothes to go home in

Makeup bag/hair needs



Debating on an exercise ball...
I have really bad tailbone pain and I'm not sure how I will do with one of these. I think I need to try one out and see how comfortable they are for me.  Anyone else have bad tailbone pain? What did you do to help alleviate it both during pregnancy and then in labor?

For Baby:

I'm thinking cozy onzies...but how many?

two baby blankets



cute headband, hehe


What are some things you like to have around you, even if you do home births? Is there anything you couldn't do without?

For the goodie bags-
 I am planning on making some of my chocolate truffles and maybe some white chocolate covered pretzels then freezing them ahead of time.
I am also going to add some of the Liftoff energy tablets to the bag
I figure that something sweet and something to help them get through their shifts is a good combo ;-)


  1. Susannah, take an outfit to dress her in because the hospitals will probably ask if you want to have birth announcements, etc, and they will send someone to take her picture. Someone has probably already mentioned a carseat, but if they haven't, get one now.

  2. I worse nursing tanks from Target for years and they were great. Now I wear Bravado, which are fantastic, but a lot more expensive.

    Bring some serious protein snacks. After birth one feels ravenous and exhausted, but if the hospital cafeteria is closed for the next 12 hours, you're outta luck! Bring food and drinks hubby likes too.

    If you have a nursing pillow, like a Boppy, take that with you. If you're going to have a cream, like Lansinoh, take that.

    Do hospitals provide newborn diapers? I forget.

    We wished I had brought my own Advil (for afterbirth pains) because we were charged $20 per Advil pill by the hospital.

    Take your own pillows, big fluffy ones, whatever kind you like. You know how you're at home in bed with 17 pillows around you to prop you up? You'll want that during labor and the hospital will give you one!

    Take your camera.

  3. Before/During Labor bag:
    A Journal – to write down your adventure. Don’t forget the little things. Like the weather, when your contractions started, when you left for the hospital. Little sayings you both say, to keep track of when contractions start & end, etc…
    A focal point – it helped for me to have something to stare at during a contraction. Something to follow the outline. I used a picture for one of my children a red outlet on the hospital wall for another and the big clock on the wall for another.
    A small ball or a can of fruit/soup - These might come in handy for Anthony to roll on your back, in case you have back labor. It also helped for me to get on my hands and knees while in labor (it took pressure of my tail bone). I looked funny but hey, it helped. Maybe warm blankets/towels would help too. The hospital has a warmer!
    Snacks/drinks for Anthony – when you are picking them out, remember you will smell them during your labor. I found out quickly during my labor with Andria that “Crackers-n-cheese” was not a good choice for Jack.
    Breath Mints - :O)
    Camera – take a LOT of pictures of all different things and at different angles. Thank goodness for digital and not film.
    Exercise Ball? - Call and ask the hospital what equipment they have for you to use. They might have one there.

    Hospital stay bag:
    Night gown – lightweight material as the hormones go over board after delivery. easier to move around in – you will be bleeding some after delivery. Later, the bleeding will tell you when you are doing too much.
    Bathrobe & Slippers –
    Nursing Bra – one or two
    Underwear - ?? I used the hospitals till it was time to go home, why mess up mine.
    Bathroom/Shower bag – body wash, shampoo/conditioner, tooth brush & paste, hair brush, make-up,
    Camera? - if you feel comfortable to keep at the hospital
    Nursing cover - or big light weight blanket
    Journal – write down all different things. The way Alicia looks, her finger & toes, how much hair she has, what time she eats and sleeps, and even poops. The way Dad looks when he holds her.
    Snacks – for you and Anthony to enjoy after Alicia arrives. A little bit of chocolate, not too much as it might make Alicia gassy if you nurse.
    Medicine?? - Not sure if you are allowed to bring them. If you can, make sure the nurses know that you are taking them.

    NOTE: Paper items and possibly other items in the room that the hospital will throw away (diapers, sanitary items, and more) once you leave. Take them with you!! Shh..... I tucked a couple away in my bag per day so I would have a few extras at home.

    Going home items:
    Car Seat
    Car Seat cover – helps keep them warm without having a bunting outfit on them. Also helps to keep the wind off them.
    Outfit for you -
    Outfit for Alicia with headband -
    Pillow – you can use it to hold against your tummy when you need to cough.
    Nursing pads – OR – Lilypadz – if you nurse. My oldest daughter changed to the Lilypadz and wonder why she didn’t use them with her first child.

    Have a few nursing bras as you will be wearing them night and day for support & comfort. That way you have some to wear while you wash others.
    Also have a supply of sanitary pads at home.

    I hope this helps!

  4. Thank you ladies! All of your advice is wonderful!
