
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Maximilian Joseph Kennedy

Maximilian Joseph Kennedy
 Child of God,
 Being held in the loving arms of the Blessed Mother

 Just a few weeks ago Anthony and I lost a little one.  Though the loss is hard, knowing that this tiny one's soul is with our Lord has brought us much joy in the midst of a great pain.  We know God has His plan and we trust in His love.

Not knowing whether our baby was a boy or girl we were not sure what to do about a name. As this little gift, this soul, was one that God had taken to be with Him we thought we would chose a name for a patron of families and a patron of pregnancies, so that we will forever have someone watching over us and all our future babies (God willing).  Boy or girl is still a question, but, after praying and studying some names, this name stood out to us.  Little Maximilian Joseph, pray for us!


  1. You both are in my prayers Susannah. Yes Maximilian Joseph is watching over both of you. And I just know it Max is going to have lots of sisters and brothers. All In God's time. All my best to both of you.

    Mrs C

  2. Beautiful words! Again, you all are in our prayers and we are so sorry about your loss! You have a sweet little angel in Heaven now interceding for you!

  3. So sad for you both! Someone told me that just remember God chose you to grow his kingdom and if he found a more direct route than what we intended, we couldn't ask God for more for our children!

  4. I'm so sorry, I will be praying for you both so much!
